Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated:
“It is essential that this intent should be expressed firstly by the Waqifeen-e-Nau when they renew their covenant of Waqf at the age of fifteen. For this I have also issued a directive to the relevant department that they should formally obtain this in writing from all those who reach the age of fifteen, whether or not they wish to continue with their Waqf. Then, at the age of 20-21, when they have completed their studies, for those who have not gained admission into Jamia Ahmadiyya, they should write again to renew their bond. If an individual is instructed to gain further experience in a particular discipline, then again it should be documented and written down. In other words, at every stage the Waqf-e-Nau should himself express his heartfelt wish of continuing with his Waqf.”
Following these instructions of Huzoor (Aba), please download and fill out the below Waqf-e-Nau reconfirmation form if you have reached the age of 15+